Monday, November 25, 2013

Arcana Rising is now in print! (Plus, Neuro City!)

With our Kickstarter backers already finding books in their mailboxes, that means its time to greenlight Arcana Rising's release in print for the public!

You can now purchase Arcana Rising as a paperback from DriveThruRPG, and if you've already purchased it in PDF, take a gander at your email inboxes and spam folders for a message from me and DTRPG for a special thank you surprise.

Welcome to Neuro City, our cyberpunk fantasy mini-supplement, is also now available in PDF as well, so be sure to take a gander at that too!

Thanks for all your support, folks, you've helped make Arcana Rising a surprise hit at a time when Maru and myself really needed it. BWP fans rock!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Arcana Rising is now available in PDF!

As of today, Arcana Rising is now available in PDF! At long last, BWP's old-school take on the urban fantasy genre is now available in digital form.

Print copies will be along soon, once the Kickstarter backers start getting theirs, but don't let that stop you from checking out the PDF. I'll be sending out discount links to anyone who bought the PDF once the paperback edition is live, so you can still get both for the same low price!